If you have any questions or concerns regarding the course content, please contact our School Director or the instructor, (Michele Carrero 732-443-0321 or email us at we will be happy to assist you.
NJ Real Estate Licensing School is open to the general public and is licensed by the New Jersey Real Estate Commission to conduct salespersons and broker's pre-licensing courses as well as continuing education core courses.
Any individual who has a physical or mental impairment or limitation described as a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and requires any special accommodation, must contact the school before enrolling. Certain accommodations require the New Jersey Real Estate Commission's advance approval before courses start.
Full payment is required by the first session of class. NJRELS accepts cash, credit, venmo, paypal & money orders. NO CHECK unless certified.
All students must read and agree to our School Tuition Refund Policy as written below upon entrance.
Every student that is paid in full will be guaranteed a seat in class. (Classes are currently on zoom). Included in the tuition is a $100 non-refundable registration fee for Salesperson Pre-licensing, $300 for Broker Pre-licensing and $10-$20 for Continuing Education. A student may request a refund in writing at the start of class for the refundable portion of the tuition. Written notice must be received by the school up to 48 hours prior to the class start date. Once a class has started, no refunds will be issued. However, if the school cancels a class, the student will receive a full and prompt refund.
Registrations are accepted on a first-paid, first confirmed basis. Upon receipt of your registration, you will receive an email confirming your enrollment in the course. Confirmation emails are sent out within 24 hours of receipt of registration (not including weekends). Until you have received a confirmation email, you are not confirmed as enrolled in the course.
Any student who determines that they may not be eligible for licensure, due to their anticipated response to any of the Real Estate Commission's "eight qualifying questions," which will be provided the first day of class, may withdraw their enrollment and receive a full refund provided that they notify their instructor and/or the School Director before the beginning of their next class session. Sales Pre-licensed Course & Broker Pre-licensed Courses:Tuition is due in full prior to scheduled start date or forfeiture of seat may occur. If you are putting a deposit down to hold your seat in class, please make a note to pay the balance of the tuition by the day of your first class.You may transfer to another start date free of charge one time. To transfer free of charge, you must provide written notification ONE WEEK in advance of your start date. Then you will receive written confirmation from us. Your new start date must be within 6 months of your original start date. If you have not provided one (1) week's written notice, we will allow you to transfer to another course within 6 months of your original start date for a $50 transfer fee, so long as there is seating available in that course.
There is no fee for a final exam taken with our school. There will be a $25 fee tto retake the final exam if you do not pass the first time.
To Obtain a Certificate of Course Completion, all students must receive a passing grade on the final examination of at least 70% and attend at least 80% of the class session hours required for the course. A student may take the final exam up to 3 times. In the event the certificate is lost, a duplicate may be obtained from the school by request. An administrative fee of $10 will be charged for the duplicate.
Students may not miss more than 20% (15 hours) of class time. If more than 20% of class time is missed, the class must be started again. All classes start on time. If a student is more than 15 minutes late to a class either at the start of after a break, that time will be counted toward the 15 hours stated previously.
School records are maintained by the school and are available for a period of at least two (2) years.
When taking our educational courses, students are expected to comply with all policies as stated within this notice. Failure to adhere to these policies may invalidate student eligibility for course credit. (These situations will be reviewed on a case by case basis.). If taking a zoom class, you are required to have your face on camera at all times during the class, if you do not stay on camera you will be removed for the day and your hours will not be counted
NJRELS does not discriminate on basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, handicap, or familial status in the establishment of fees, entrance qualifications or standards for successful completion of any course.
If the NJ REAL ESTATE COMMISSION finds that you are not elligible for licensure by your 2nd class you can recieve a refund, minus $50 for the textbook (plus shipping, if your book was mailed to you). You must recieve a denial in writing from the commission.
Therefore read over the qualifing questions carefully and contact the commision imeadatly if you think there may be a problem. Only the commission can make that determination.
*Note: Courses are now being offered remotely, you must have the camera on and your face on screen at all times or you will be marked as absent for that class.