You can only access the final exam once you have provided the school with your attendance sheet and we have verified your hours. You must do 80% of the class too be eligible. It is your responsibility to keep your attendance on the sheet that was provided at the start of the class. Once we receive your attendance sheet, NJRELS will issue you a user name and password to log in. Please email your sheet to info@njrels.com, it can take up to 24 hours to receive your user name and password. After you complete the exam, you will instantly know if you passed or failed. If you pass we will within 48 hours, email you a pass certificate and upload you into PSI so you can schedule your test! You need to print out your certificate and bring a copy of it with you on state testing day! They do not accept it on your phone nor will they print it out for you! You must schedule your test in New Jersey!! The certificate is NOT what is auto emailed to you when you pass the school exam, it is a legal document from NJRELS and the commission!! DO NOT PUT YOUR INFORMATION INTO PSI BY YOURSELF.